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Model Organization of States at D.C. Competition

12 Texas State students — Melissa Aylward, Tara Dees, Domonique Gray-Berroa, Emily Hinze, Victoria Kadous, Josh Keesee, Nick Pappas, Megan Priebe, Marissa Roman, Gabe Schmidt, Lauren Stotler, and Ashton Thomas — journeyed to Washington, DC where they participated in the 2015 Washington DC Model Organization of American States representing the Republic of Panama. Undergraduate political science major Marissa Roman was elected Secretary General of  the 2016 Washington DC Model Organization of American States (WMOAS).  This is the WMOAS’s highest elected office.

We are happy to announce that the students that went to the WMOAS have agreed to help produce an educational video to be used for reference by future students.  This video will highlight the use of parliamentary procedure and how a resolution is debated in our model competitions.

My students and I would like to thank the Department of Political Science and the College of Liberal Arts for their on-going and generous support of the MOAS program.  We would also especially like to acknowledge the Student Service Fee Advisory Committee for the one-time funding of $6,000 for FY ‘15.  The support we have received has helped to significantly reduce the cost of the trip for the students.  Without this type of support, we would not have been able to undertake this amazing learning experience! – Professor, Ben Arnold

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