On Monday evening, April 18, 2016 the Texas State University International City Management Association (ICMA) MPA Student Chapter met at the City of San Marcos Activity Center. About 50 MPA students, faculty and public administrators from the Region 7 Texas City Management Association (TCMA) were in attendance. The featured speaker for the evening was Mr. Jerrod Miller, City Manager of San Marcos, Texas. Mr. Miller provided an overview of what local governments need to do to prepare for natural disasters. His discussion focused on lessons learned from recent flooding which occurred in San Marcos and surrounding cities in Central Texas. Ms. Stephanie Reyes, City of San Marcos Assistant Director of Human Resources a member of ICMA provided the audience with valuable information about the benefits of ICMA membership. For additional information about the Texas State University ICMA MPA Student Chapter please contact MPA student representatives Jesse Ancira or ja1423@txstate.edu or Dr. Emily Hanks Emily.hanks@txstate.edu, the chapter’s faculty advisor.