Texas State Political Science Alumna and Professor receives Kemerer Award.
Cari Gray, M.A. 2011, was recently named winner of the Frank R. Kemerer Award presented by the Texas School Administrator’s Legal Digest (TSALD) and the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP). The Award was presented at the TSALD/TASSP Conference in Austin, TX on June 14, 2016. She has been teaching social studies at New Braunfels High School since 1996.
The purpose of the Award is to recognize an outstanding social studies teacher at the high school level. Candidates for the award are nominated by their high school principal and endorsed by the superintendent. They must display enthusiasm for teaching, creativity, effectiveness, ability to teach various levels of students, and demonstrate involvement in the life and culture of the school.
In addition to teaching at New Braunfels high School, Ms. Gray also teaches courses at Texas State.