Pi Sigma Alpha’s Rho Eta Chapter hosted their annual spring induction ceremony on April 29, 2018. The event was coordinated by outgoing President Dora Jackson and outgoing Vice President Madalyn Folgate. The induction ceremony featured a talk by Deborah Tucker, President of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence and an adjunct faculty member at Texas State. Ten new members were inducted into the society: Ebonie Smith, Morgan Morrow, Mason McKie, Rex Wyatt, Mayra de Luna, John Cavazos, Roman Gros, Amaireny Rodriguez, Justin Villa, Tara Watson. Five members — Ebonie Smith, Morgan Morrow, John Cavazos, Amaireny Rodriguez, Madalyn Folgate, Doraneesha Jackson — received their graduation honors cords. Mayra de Luna will serve as the chapter’s president during the 2018-2019 Academic Year, and Rex Wyatt will serve as vice-president.