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LBJ Museum, Co-Sponsored by the Department of Political Science, Hosted a Debate on Texas Voter ID Laws

The department co-sponsored the Lyndon Baines Johnson Museum of San Marcos’ 2018 Fall Lecture on Wednesday, October 24, 2018. This year the lecture took the form of a debate conducted by the Lyndon Baines Johnson Debate Society directed by Professor Wayne Kraemer. The two debate teams followed a parliamentary debate format and addressed the question of whether the Texas Voter Identification laws helped representative democracy. The debate was preceded by a welcoming reception and followed by questions from the audience. Over 40 members of the university and San Marcos community attended.

Other co-sponsors included the Department of Communication, the Honors College, Democracy for Texas, Centro Cultural Hispano de San Marcos, Calaboose African American History Museum, Mochas and Javas, Steger’s Chiffonade, Christopher Paul Cardoza, The College Democrats, and Hays County Democrats.

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