On November 7, 2018 the Texas State’s International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Student Chapter held its first meeting of the 2018-2019 Academic Year. About 25 MPA students and 3 members of the MPA faculty (Drs. Howard Balanoff, Emily Hanks, and Marc Wallace) attended the meeting which was conducted at the City of San Marcos Activity Center from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
A social hour and dinner for the participants was followed by a presentation by James Earp, Assistant City Manager of the City of Kyle and the ICMA Student Chapter’s Mentor from the Profession, on the city management profession. His talk was followed by a presentation by Carlos Lamkin, President of the ICMA MPA Student Chapter, which provided MPA students with information about ICMA and the services that the Association provides to local government managers and professionals. He also provided the students with detailed instructions on how to register as members of the Association so that they can receive ICMA educational and training materials.