Two graduate students from the Department of Political Science presented their research at Texas State University’s 10th Annual International Research Conference for Graduate Students on November 13-14, 2018.
- Master of Arts in Political Science student Fanny Mazna presented her research on “Blasphemy Laws: A Violation of Human Rights in Pakistan.”
- Master of Public Administration student Immanuel Zhen Miin Tan presented his research on “Mandatory Foreign Language Education among American Students: A Review of the Literature” which argued that requiring students to learn a foreign language would help both the economy and American foreign policy in the future.
Immanuel felt honored to present his research saying he “was able to learn extensively from graduate students across Texas about their research findings from each respective field of expertise…I highly encourage all graduate students to participate in this conference next year, whether as a presenter or attendee.” Fanny agreed with his assessment saying “one of the best parts of the conference was that people belonging to other majors and different universities gave their feedback which in turn helped me to explore different aspects of my own research and ways to improve it.”