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Dr. Dawn Teele Speaks About Women’s Suffrage, Hosted by Discourse in Democracy

In anticipation of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, Discourse in Democracy hosted Dr. Dawn Teele (University of Pennsylvania) for a series of events on the subject of Women’s Suffrage on Wednesday, February 6th. She discussed gender roles in academia at a seminar attended by two dozen students and faculty and then presented a guest lecture to Dr. Lamm’s “Women in Politics” class (PS 4324). Later that afternoon she delivered a lecture on her book, Forging the Franchise: The Political Origins of the Women’s Vote to an audience of 85 faculty and students. Additionally, faculty and majors had the opportunity to speak with over lunch and dinner.

“I thought the seminar was an awesome opportunity to discuss gender in political science,” Jasmine Reed, political science sophomore, observed. “I enjoyed hearing different perspectives from others who could relate to gender norms. The whole experience came across genuine and insightful.”

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