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Students learn about training and career opportunities with the U.S. Department of State and the Boren Awards

On April 11, the Department of Political Science hosted Dr. Andrea Hilkovitz, Research Coordinator with Texas State’s Graduate College, and Cheyenne Izaguirre, political science graduate student. Dr. Hilkovitz gave a presentation about the Boren Scholarship and Fellowship programs, which promote long-term linguistic and cultural immersion opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students who will focus on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to U.S. national security.

Ms. Izaguirre presented information on the U.S. Department of State’s Pathways Program in which the State Department trains and hires undergraduates, graduate students, and veterans for long-term career opportunities.

Henry Greive , a political science graduate student, observed that “the presentation was very helpful” because it provided him “a great amount of information about some valuable opportunities” that he was “previously unaware of.”

To learn more about these programs, please visit:

Boren Fellowship:
Pathways Program:

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