On June 24-28, political science graduate student Julio Rodriguez attended the American Public Philosophy Institute’s second annual Summer Seminar at the University of Dallas. Led by Dr. Christopher Wolfe of the University of Dallas and Dr. James Stoner of Louisiana State University, the seminar focused on the idea of natural law and its role in the American Founding and possible contribution to American public philosophy. Students from a variety of colleges and universities including Texas A&M, Notre Dame, the University of Florida, and St. John’s participated. Rodriquez noted that the conversations about natural law highlighted the idea of “human dignity” and “the generality” of natural law principles. Knowledge of these general principles was insufficient and had to be supplemented by “study and experience” Prudence was necessary to translate these principles into practice, and to seek in applying them it was necessary “to respect others, have humility regarding our own opinion, have the willingness to exchange views with others, and be open-minded.”