On Tuesday, September 10th, an estimated more than 150 students and faculty attended the department’s annual “Meet Your Professors” event sponsored by Discourse in Democracy. This event gives political science and public administration majors the opportunity to meet and talk with the department’s faculty. The two dozen faculty members present each spoke briefly to the attendees. After introductions, students and faculty were able to mingle informally while over pizza. Political Science student organizations such as Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, SWIPS (Supporting Women in Political Science), and ICMA (International City/County Management Association) were also present and distributed information about their organizations.
Senior public administration major, James Tichy observed that, “attending Meet the Professor was a great way to learn more about my professors outside of the classroom setting.” He added that, “it also allowed me to meet other professors from the department with whom I haven’t yet taken classes, but whose projects and backgrounds really interested me.” Matthew Gonzales, a junior majoring in political science agreed, noting that the event showed him that “the entirety of the department wants you to find your home there.” He added that the department has so many resources to use and organizations to join I feel it’s going to be hard for me to not get the support I’m looking for.”
Students attended received Discourse in Democracy tee shorts, departmental caps, and assorted other swag.