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Texas State at ESMOAS

More than two dozen Texas State Students participated at the 23rd annual Eugene Scassa Mock Organization of American States Competition & Conference (ESMOAS) competition at St. Mary’s University on November 14th-16th.  At the competition, there were 125 students representing schools throughout the region, including Baylor University, University of Louisiana Lafayette, Texas A&M Commerce, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico.  Representing the nations of Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Guyana, the 25 member Texas State delegation won several awards. Highlighting these awards, Team Venezuela, consisting of team members Ethan Strickland, Ciana Seddon, Adrian Flores, and Jasper McDonald, won Outstanding Delegation (the top overall award at the competition).

Junior political science major Darian Bear observed that “the MOAS group at Texas State has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my collegiate career.” Ethan Strickland, a senior poli sci major commented that his involvement in the competition “not only gave me skills that I can utilize as in career in diplomacy, but the real life skills and a perspective that could be used in any other career.  I consider myself blessed to have been given the chance to join up with the Texas State team.”  Kaela Thompson, a sophomore major, praised MOAS for giving students it’s “hands-on and interactive approach” to teaching students about politics.

The complete list of the awards and honors our received by Texas State students is as follows:

– Amanda Beck
Selected to the Student Advisory Committee

– Zack Abnet, Darian Bear, Kevin Brown, Allison Cason, Dani Hancock, Natalie Hernandez, Jasper McDonald, Andrea Garcia Rodriguez, and Catching Valentinis-Dee
Outstanding Committee, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security.

– Ethan Strickland
Outstanding Crisis Speech (1st Place in Committee), General Committee

– Darian Bear
Outstanding Delegate (1st Place in Committee), Secretariat Multidimensional Security.

– Ethan Strickland
Outstanding Delegate (1st Place in Committee), General Committee.

– Ethan Strickland, Ciana Seddon, Adrian Flores, and Jasper McDonald (Team Venezuela)
Outstanding Delegation (1st Place Overall)

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