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Political science student presents at the Lone Star conference

Poli sci grad student Adam Henley recently presented a paper on John Courtney Murray’s account of American liberalism at the Lone Star Conference for Political Science at Texas A&M Corpus Christi on March 6-7th.  The Lone Star Conference is an annual meeting of political scientists and grad students. Papers were presented by faculty and graduate students from a variety of universities including UT Rio Grande Valley, UT Austin, University of Houston, and Jacksonville State University. Presenters were allowed an hour to share their essays and take questions from the other attendees. Henley particularly enjoyed the questions and feedback saying “I was probably the most junior person in a room of PhD candidates and professors,” and it really helped him to be to talk about his “work with people further along in the field.”

Henley’s paper grew out of a piece he wrote in one of Dr. Grasso’s courses. Henley reported that “the value of the feedback on my political thought from seasoned political scientists is immeasurable.” He added that he hopes “more students from Texas State will endeavor to put their work out there in future years.”

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