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Dr. Billy Fields interviewed in Austin Monitor

On Monday, June 13th, Texas State Political Science Professor Dr. Billy Fields was interviewed by The Austin Monitor as part of a story about the Austin Transportation Department’s efforts to reduce injuries & fatalities on city roads through a new speed zone strategy. The strategy involves reducing speeds city-wide, standardizing speeds for type of street (e.g. residential, business), and creating a set of color-coded markers to remind drivers of the type of street and expected speed in each zone. An expert on road design, Dr. Fields’ emphasized the realistic and gradual nature of the new project “If you think about redoing all of Austin’s streets, you’re not going to be able to do that in one fell swoop, but we go through and we resurface the streets all the time. Each time that we resurface a street we should be looking for those opportunities.”

The article, “Garza suggests color-coded speed zones to slow car traffic,” can be viewed online here:

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