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Meet the Professors 2020

On Wednesday, September 9th, Discourse in Democracy sponsored the political science department’s annual “Meet the Professors” event. Despite heavy rain and social distancing protocols, 60 political science and public administration students participated in the event, most of them in person, but some via zoom. They had a chance to meet more than two dozen of the department’s faculty members and to learn about course offerings and become acquainted with faculty members’ backgrounds and areas of expertise.  After the presentations from the faculty, students had a chance to ask questions.

Graduate student Will Lawrence described the event as a success noting that “even in these trying times, it is good to see the political science department go to such lengths to ensure a sense of normalcy to the students. I was glad that the students had a chance to meet the faculty and get to know them.”

Students who attended the event were given departmental T-shirts and assorted swag, as well information about student organizations, internships opportunities, future departmental events, and potential career paths.

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