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Dr. Inbody interviewed on ABC Radio National Australia

On Sunday, September 20th, Dr. Don Inbody, a long-time member of the department’s faculty, appeared on Australia’s ABC Radio National on Annabelle Quince’s show Rear Vision, to discuss mail-in voting in America. Dr. Inbody was joined on the discussion panel by Dr. Douglas Jones, Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Iowa; Dr. Stephen Ansolabehere, Professor of Government at Harvard University; and authors Brittany Gibson and Thom Hartman. The panel is entitled “Voting technology and democracy in America,” and revolves around concerns for the upcoming election. Dr. Inbody was chosen for the panel because of his expertise in the history of American voting methods, and for his expert book on the subject, The Soldier Vote: War Politics, and the Ballot in America (Palgrave, 2016). He talked about the history of mail-in voting and its origin during the American Civil War and the elections of 1862 and 1864.

The panel can be listened to and downloaded from ABC Radio National here:

Dr. Inbody’s book can be viewed here:

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