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Election 2020 watch party

On Tuesday, November 3rd, Texas State’s Department of Political Science hosted its traditional Election Night Watch Party. This year, to provide better digital access and reach to the whole university, the department partnered with the Texas State Elections Task Force to host the event in the LBJ Student Center and stream the Watch Party over Zoom. About a hundred in-person attendees joined the party, which included the Texas State mascot, Boko, Kahoot quiz games about the election, and destress/discussion rooms. Even more students and faculty dropped in on the Zoom stream, making the event a big success.

Dr. Jennifer Lamm of Political Science directed the quiz games at the party and fielded some questions from students in attendance. She delivered information about the election process and facilitated a short discussion with the students. She noted that it was “a good discussion”, and that the event overall “went well.”

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