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Pi Sigma Alpha hosts alumnus Buddy Garcia

On March 29, 2021, Alumnus Buddy Garcia (BA, 1990) spoke to the members of the Texas State chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society. Mr. Garcia, who has a long history working in state and local politics, spoke on the current political landscape and highlighted the need for the involvement of young people in government. Undergraduate student and PSA President Nick James noted Mr. Garcia’s deep “insight into the current political climate that engulfs so much of today’s conversations.” Throughout the event, Mr. Garcia shared experiences and advice from his long career, which included roles as Senior Advisor to Governor Perry, Deputy Secretary of State and Border Commerce Coordinator, Chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and a member of the Texas Railroad Commission. He advised students to “look for those in government who aren’t interested in credit, but rather interested in helping others.”

After the event, Mr. Garcia stayed for another half hour, answering questions about his career and state government.

For more information about Pi Sigma Alpha, please see their webpage here, or contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Varacalli at

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