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Discourse in Democracy Hosts Putin Expert

brian taylor

On Wednesday, April 6th, Discourse in Democracy hosted Syracuse University’s Brian Taylor for a lecture entitled “What is Putin Up to? Understanding Russian Foreign Policy.” The talk, which was attended by 40 students and faculty, focused on the factors that shape President Putin’s decision making, or what Taylor, in his same-titled book, calls “the code of Putinism.” Some key factors Taylor highlighted included a nostalgia for the Soviet Union and Russia’s imperial past, Russia’s distinctive cultural and religious characteristics, and Putin’s anti-American ideology and desire to maintain power in the Kremlin. Taylor also showed some recent videos of Russia’s national security meeting to exemplify Putin’s absolute control over decisions in Moscow during the days before the invasion of Ukraine.

Dr. Popescu, the moderator of the event, welcomed “the chance for Texas State students and faculty to hear from one of the most respected Putin analysts in the country” and reflected that “Taylor’s analysis of the how the past and present of Russia’s actions intertwined illuminated the connections between Putin’s longstanding ambitions and his most recent actions.” Jeron Barrett, a Texas State graduate student who attended the lecture, found that Taylor was “excellent at providing in-depth responses to all the questions he was asked” and appreciated the “new perspectives” he offered. Bethanie Jones, another Texas State grad student, honed in on Taylor’s focus on the “psychological aspect” of Putin’s leadership, which she had “seen hinted at in other commentaries” but not “delved into” to the depth which Taylor offered.

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