On July 13th, Dr. Susanne Sternthal participated in a live radio interview with Morning Wave in Busan, South Korea. Morning Wave is a public English radio station that covers all domestic and international news and current affairs. The interview with Morning Wave host, Katherine Bang, invited Dr. Sternthal to share her thoughts on the ongoing situation between Russia and Ukraine. Describing the 10-minute live interview as “very relaxed,” Dr. Sternthal finds she would “be happy to do it again” as the Morning Wave team “was great fun to work with.”
Dr. Sternthal has extensive knowledge of Russian culture, having both lived and worked in Russia as a lecturer and as a liaison to a joint US-Tartarstani telecommunications venture. Her recent article titled “Manifesto published in Russian media reflects Putin regime’s ruthless plans in Ukraine” went viral hitting 25,732 views in four days, a record for The Conversation. The article was republished across the net, and sparked discussion on Twitter. At Texas State, she offers an annual course in Russian politics.
If you’d like to listen to Dr. Sternthal’s interview, click the link above.