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Academic Prize Awarded to Dr. Popescu

Political Science professor Ionut Popescu was awarded the 2023 Freedom and Opportunity Academic Prize by The Heritage Foundation – a major Washington, DC-based think tank. The $15,000 award rewarded Dr. Popescu’s scholarship and teaching for his focus on freedom, opportunity, and traditional American values, particularly in relation to US grand strategy towards China.

Together with several other prize winners from institutions such as Georgetown University and University of Virginia, Dr. Popescu attended a 4-day summer seminar in Washington, DC on August 8-11. He had the opportunity to meet with national security experts, Congressional staffers, and the media. Dr. Popescu also participated in seminars exploring how academic scholarship can influence Washington policymaking and national debates.

“I am very honored to be selected for this prestigious prize, and last week was a wonderful opportunity to present my ideas on US foreign policy and national security in front of Washington audiences,” Dr. Popescu said. He is also now able to facilitate more internship and job opportunities in Washington for Texas State political science students through his new affiliation with The Heritage Foundation.

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