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SWIPS Hosts Resume Workshop

Supporting Women in Political Science (SWIPS) hosted a Resume Workshop on Tuesday, October 8. Attending students were able to get individualized feedback from Career Services representative Nikky Bissonnette, who is a Career Educator Career Services liaison to the College of Liberal Arts, as well as from Dr. Lauren Rowlands, an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science.

Nikky Bissonnette delivered a presentation that included information on the characteristics of a strong resume and formatting guidelines. After the presentation, one-on-one help sessions with representatives from Career Services and Dr. Rowlands were conducted so SWIPS members could get instant feedback on how they could revise their current resumes to help set them apart from other candidates.

More information on SWIPS and upcoming events (including the Senate Debate Watch Party SWIPS will host on October 15 in THH 105) can be found on the event page here.

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