On Tuesday February 5th, over 150 students and faculty attended the first Discourse in Democracy event of the new year, a State of the Union Watch Party, in UAC 105. Students watched the president’s address while enjoying pizza, soda, and playing a State of the Union bingo card game.
“The State of the Union has long been a tradition and staple of American democracy,” Christian Sears, Student Government Senator at Large and President of Texas State’s Model United Nations. “For the last hundred years or so every President, with the exception of Hoover has given the SOTU via a speech to the nation. It is imperative that we keep such traditions alive that have been hallmarks to our democracy. The President’s speech on Thursday reaffirmed those traditions. Discourse in Democracy did a fantastic job at hosting the SOTU. The free pizza and drinks was a nice gesture. And, I was very pleased to see that so many students turned out.”