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Meet the Professors 2022

On Tuesday, September 14th, Discourse in Democracy hosted the Department of Political Science’s annual “Meet The Professors” night. More than 80 students attended the event, giving political science and public administration majors the opportunity to meet and talk with more than two dozen faculty members and learn about the courses they teach, their backgrounds, and their areas of interest.

Those in attendance had a chance to learn about internship opportunities and career building, as well as about various groups associated with department including Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society; SWIPS (Supporting Women in Political Science); the department’s Model Organization of American States and Model United Nations groups; and the Texas State chapter of the International City/County Management Association. Afterwards, students were able to mingle informally with faculty and representatives of the various groups and organizations over pizza and cookies, as well as receive assorted departmental swag including tee shirts and baseball caps.

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